How to add section

1. Login as admin

2. Click on Academic Then Click on Section


3. Click on Add A Section


4. Fill up the form 

  • Section: Enter the name you want to give to the section eg. A, B, C... or Gold, Diamond, Star, etc. ...
  • Category: These are the different categories of students in your school which could be Day Students, Boarding Students.
  • Capacity: This are the total number of students you want each section to accommodate  depending on your school class poruplation policy eg. 15, 30 etc
  • Class: This is where you will select the CLASS you want to assign that section to Eg. Grand 1 - A, or JSS 3 - B
  • Teacher: This is where you will select the teacher who will handle or oversee the section
  • Note: You can type special things about the section


5. Click on Add Section to Save the section


Note: Repeat This steps until you add all the sections in all the classes

Watch this video to learn more about how to add a section 




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