How to Mark Students Attendance

1. Login As A Teacher

2. Click on  Attendance >> Students Attendance >> Add Student Attendance

4. Select the form data

  • Exam: This is where you will select the Exam or Term You want to mark Attendance on  
  • Class: This is where you will select the Class you want to mark their Attendance 
  • Section:  This is where you will select the Class Section You Want to Mark Attendance 
  • Date: This is where you will select the Date You want to mark Attendance. 

Note: The System does not Allow You To Mark Attendance for a Date That is in the future. 

5. After filling out the form click on the button Attendance (It will now bring up the list of students in the Class and Section You selected Above)

6. On the Attendance  Tab, You must mark the student's attendance according to their status for the day.

  • Present: These represent that the student is in school for that day. 
  • Late Present With Excuse: These represent that the student is in school for that day but came VERY LATE With Reasonable Excuse:
  • Late Present: This represents that the student Came Late
  • Absent: This represents that the student didn't attend school that day. 

Note: on the student's result what the system counts is Total No. of Present and ignores the rest.

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