How To Restrict a User From Accessing the Portal

1. Login As Admin 
2. Click on the User type you would like to restrict (Parent, Student, Teachers and Users) 


3. For Students: Click on Select Class to select the student's class


4. Locate the Student and toggle the Student Status to Off

When The Student Is Active:

When The Student Has Been Deactivated:


5. Once Done the student won't be able to log in even if they are with the portal username and password it will show the error below when they want to login. 



Note: You can follow these steps to other users in case a student, Teacher, or A User leaves your School instead of deleting the account you can just deactivate the user, or in case a student fails to fulfill their obligation in school You can deactivate the student.
Warning: You are required to activate the student or user back if you would like them to have access to the portal again following the same steps above.


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