1. Standard School Website
  2. Single Link Login
  3. Comprehensive Dashboard
  4. Student Module
  5. Parent Module
  6. Teacher Module
  7. Users Module
  8. Class Module
  9. Section Module
  10. Subject Module
  11. Syllabus Module
  12. Assignment Module
  13. Timetable Module
  14. Exam Comments
  15. Student Attendance
  16. Teacher Attendance
  17. User Attendance
  18. Terms Module
  19. Exam Timetable
  20. Dynamic Grading
  21. Exam Attendance
  22. Marks Module
  23. Mark Distribution
  24. Promotion Module
  25. Internal Messaging
  26. Media Module
  27. Email Module
  28. SMS Module
  29. Online Exam (CBT)
  30. Salary Template
  31. Hourly Template
  32. Manage Salary
  33. Pay Salary
  34. Overtime Payment
  35. Google Meet Video Conference
  36. Asset Management Module

    - Vendor Management

    - Asset Locations

    - Asset Category

    - Asset Management

    - Asset Assignment

    - Purchase School Supplies

  1. Inventory Management Module

    - Category

    - Product

    - Warehouse

    - Supplier

    - Purchase

    - Sale

  1. Leave Management
  2. Learning Management System (Tutorial)
  3. Child Care
  4. E-Library
  5. Library Module
  6. Transport Module
  7. Hostel Module
  8. Account Management

    - Fee Types

    - Invoice

    - Payment History

    - Expense

    - Income

    - Global Payment

  1. Announcement Module

    - Notice

    - Event

    - Holiday

  1. Online Admission
  2. Visitors Information
  3. Frontend CRM
  4. Class Report
  5. Student Report
  6. ID Card
  7. Admit Card
  8. Timetable (Routine Report)
  9. Exam Timetable (Routine Report)
  10. Attendance Report
  11. Attendance Overview Report
  12. Library Book Report
  13. Library Card Report
  14. Library Book Issue
  15. Terminal Report
  16. Merit Stage Report
  17. Tabulation Sheet Report
  18. Mark Sheet Report
  19. Progress Card Report
  20. Student Session Report
  21. Online Exam Report
  22. Online Exam Question Report
  23. Online Admission Report
  24. Certificate Report
  25. Leave Application Report
  26. Product Purchase Report
  27. Product Sale Report
  28. Search Payment Fees Report
  29. Fees Report
  30. Due Fees Report
  31. Balance Fee Report
  32. Transaction Report
  33. Student Fine Report
  34. Overtime Report
  35. Salary Report
  36. Account Ledger Report
  37. Complaints
  38. Certificate Template
  39. Internal Password Reset
  40. Social Link
  41. SMS Template
  42. Email Template
  43. Import Module
  44. Role Module
  45. Backup Module
  46. Multi-language Support

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  1. Standard School Website

Importance: A standard school website is crucial as it serves as the primary online presence of the school, offering a centralized platform for all stakeholders to access vital information.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enhances reputation and accessibility, making the institution appear professional and organized.
  • Teachers: Provides a platform for teachers to upload resources, share updates, and communicate with parents and students.
  • Stents: Offers easy access to academic calendars, announcements, and educational resources.
  • Parents: Helps parents stay informed about school news, events, and their children's progress.


  1. Single Link Login

Importance: Single link login simplifies the login process by allowing users to access multiple services and platforms with one set of credentials, increasing security and convenience.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Reduces IT workload by minimizing password reset requests and streamlining user management.
  • Teachers: Saves time by allowing quick access to all necessary tools and resources without multiple logins.
  • Students: Provides a seamless experience, making it easier to access assignments, grades, and other educational tools.
  • Parents: Simplifies access to the parent portal, where they can monitor their child’s academic progress and communicate with teachers.


  1. Comprehensive Dashboard

Importance: A comprehensive dashboard aggregates all critical information in one place, offering an at-a-glance overview of important metrics and activities within the school.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enhances administrative efficiency by providing quick insights into school operations.
  • Teachers: Allows teachers to view student performance, attendance, and other relevant data efficiently.
  • Students: Helps students track their progress and stay updated on upcoming assignments and exams.
  • Parents: Enables parents to monitor their child’s academic performance and school activities easily.


  1. Student Module

Importance: The student module manages all student-related information, including personal details, academic records, and attendance, ensuring that data is accurate and up-to-date.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Simplifies student data management and ensures compliance with educational regulations.
  • Teachers: Provides quick access to student records, facilitating better student management and personalized education.
  • Students: Ensures that personal and academic information is well-organized and accessible.
  • Parents: Allows parents to view their child's records, attendance, and performance, fostering transparency and trust.


  1. Parent Module

Importance: The parent module manages parent-related information and interactions, ensuring effective communication and engagement between the school and parents.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enhances communication with parents, fostering a cooperative relationship.
  • Teachers: Facilitates easy communication with parents regarding student progress and behavior.
  • Students: Encourages a supportive environment as parents are more involved in their education.
  • Parents: Provides a dedicated portal to access information about their child’s academic progress, attendance, and school events.


  1. Teacher Module

Importance: The teacher module organizes and manages all information related to teachers, including personal details, schedules, and performance data.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Helps in effective teacher management, ensuring optimal resource allocation and performance monitoring.
  • Teachers: Provides a platform for managing schedules, class assignments, and student records efficiently.
  • Students: Ensures that students have access to well-organized and readily available teacher support.
  • Parents: Enhances parent-teacher communication by providing updated contact information and teacher availability.
  1. Users Module

Importance: The users module manages information for non-academic staff and other users, ensuring comprehensive management of all personnel involved in the school’s operations.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Streamlines administrative processes by managing all user data in one place.
  • Teachers: Facilitates better coordination and communication with non-academic staff.
  • Students: Ensures that all school operations, supported by non-academic staff, run smoothly.
  • Parents: Improves overall school operations, indirectly benefiting students’ educational experience.
  1. Class Module

Importance: The class module organizes and manages class information, schedules, and student enrollments, ensuring that all class-related data is accurate and up-to-date.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Simplifies class management and scheduling, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently.
  • Teachers: Helps in planning lessons and managing student lists and class schedules effectively.
  • Students: Ensures they have access to accurate class schedules and information.
  • Parents: Provides parents with access to class schedules and information, helping them support their child’s educational journey.



  1. Section Module

Importance: The section module manages subdivisions within classes, allowing for better organization and management of smaller student groups.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Facilitates efficient resource allocation and class management by organizing students into sections.
  • Teachers: Allows teachers to manage smaller groups of students more effectively, providing personalized attention.
  • Students: Ensures that students receive more focused and organized instruction.
  • Parents: Helps parents understand the specific groupings and dynamics of their child’s class.
  1. Subject Module

Importance: The subject module organizes subject-related information, ensuring that all subject data, including curriculum details and assigned teachers, is well-managed.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Simplifies curriculum planning and resource allocation by organizing subjects efficiently.
  • Teachers: Provides teachers with detailed information about the subjects they are teaching, including syllabus and resources.
  • Students: Ensures that students have access to organized and accurate subject information.
  • Parents: Keeps parents informed about the subjects their children are studying and any relevant resources or updates.


  1. Syllabus Module

Importance: The syllabus module allows teachers to upload, view, edit, and delete syllabi, ensuring that the curriculum is accessible and up-to-date for all stakeholders.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Ensures curriculum consistency and adherence to educational standards.
  • Teachers: Provides a centralized location to manage and update syllabus documents, facilitating easier planning and communication.
  • Students: Gives students easy access to their syllabi, helping them understand what topics will be covered and what is expected of them.
  • Parents: Allows parents to review the curriculum, ensuring they are aware of what their children are learning and can support their studies.




  1. Assignment Module

Importance: The assignment module enables teachers to issue assignments to students, allows students to submit their answers through their portal, and provides tools for teachers to view, edit, or delete assignments.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Streamlines the assignment management process, ensuring consistency and timely submission of assignments.
  • Teachers: Simplifies the distribution and collection of assignments, providing an efficient way to track student progress.
  • Students: Makes it easy for students to receive, complete, and submit assignments, ensuring they stay on top of their work.
  • Parents: Helps parents monitor their child’s assignments and deadlines, supporting their educational involvement.


  1. Timetable Module

Importance: The timetable module allows the creation of timetables for different classes, ensuring that class schedules are well-organized and accessible.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Facilitates efficient scheduling and resource allocation, ensuring that classes are well-organized and conflicts are minimized.
  • Teachers: Helps teachers plan their schedules and manage their time effectively.
  • Students: Provides students with clear and accessible class schedules, helping them manage their time and responsibilities.
  • Parents: Allows parents to understand their child's daily schedule, helping them support their child's educational routine.


  1. Exam Comment Module

Importance: The exam comment module allows teachers to write summaries of student performance for each term, providing valuable feedback on student progress.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Ensures that student performance is consistently and thoroughly documented.
  • Teachers: Provides a platform for teachers to give detailed feedback on student performance, helping guide student improvement.
  • Students: Offers students constructive feedback on their performance, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Parents: Keeps parents informed about their child's academic progress and areas that need attention, fostering a collaborative approach to education.
  1. Students Attendance Module

Importance: The students attendance module enables teachers to mark student attendance easily, with summaries shown in the students’ result sheets.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Helps in maintaining accurate attendance records, which are essential for compliance and performance tracking.
  • Teachers: Simplifies the process of recording attendance, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
  • Students: Ensures that attendance is accurately tracked and reflected in their records.
  • Parents: Provides parents with access to their child's attendance records, helping them monitor their child’s school attendance.


  1. Teacher Attendance Module

Importance: The teacher attendance module allows for the swift and accurate marking of teacher attendance, ensuring that staff attendance records are well-maintained.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Ensures accurate records of teacher attendance, which are vital for payroll and performance assessments.
  • Teachers: Simplifies the process of logging attendance, ensuring their presence is accurately recorded.
  • Students: Ensures that classes are properly staffed, contributing to a consistent learning experience.
  • Parents: Indirectly benefits parents by ensuring that teachers are regularly attending and providing instruction.


  1. User Attendance Module

Importance: The user attendance module allows for easy marking of attendance for non-academic staff, ensuring that all staff attendance is tracked.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Helps maintain accurate records of non-academic staff attendance, crucial for administrative efficiency and payroll processing.
  • Teachers: Ensures that support staff are present, contributing to a well-functioning school environment.
  • Students: Indirectly benefits students by ensuring that all school operations are supported by consistent staff attendance.
  • Parents: Provides reassurance that the school is well-managed and that support staff are available to assist as needed.


  1. Terms Module

Importance: The terms module allows the creation of academic terms with unique names, helping to organize the academic calendar and manage term-specific activities.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Facilitates the organization of the academic year, ensuring that all activities are aligned with the term structure.
  • Teachers: Helps teachers plan their curriculum and activities according to the term schedule.
  • Students: Provides a clear understanding of the academic calendar, helping them prepare for exams and term-related activities.
  • Parents: Keeps parents informed about the school’s term structure, helping them plan holidays and other activities around the academic calendar.


  1. Exam Timetable Module

Importance: The exam timetable module allows for the creation and scheduling of exam timetables, which students can easily view in their portals.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Ensures that exams are well-organized and scheduled without conflicts.
  • Teachers: Helps teachers plan their teaching schedule around exam dates, ensuring they cover all necessary material.
  • Students: Provides students with clear information on their exam schedules, helping them prepare and manage their study time effectively.
  • Parents: Keeps parents informed about upcoming exams, allowing them to support their children’s preparation.


  1. Dynamic Grading Module

Importance: The dynamic grading module allows schools to create custom grading systems that are specifically tailored to their needs, ensuring that student performance is assessed accurately and fairly.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enables the creation of a grading system that reflects the school’s unique educational philosophy and standards.
  • Teachers: Provides flexibility in assessing student performance, allowing for a more personalized evaluation approach.
  • Students: Ensures that students are graded according to criteria that accurately reflect their performance and learning outcomes.
  • Parents: Provides transparency in how their child’s performance is assessed, helping them understand their child’s strengths and areas for improvement.


  1. Exam Attendance Module

Importance: The exam attendance module allows schools to mark and record student attendance for each subject during exams, ensuring that records of students who sat for the exams are accurate and complete.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Provides an accurate record of student participation in exams, which is crucial for performance analysis and regulatory compliance.
  • Teachers: Helps teachers track which students attended exams, aiding in the management of exam-related queries and grading.
  • Students: Ensures that their attendance is accurately recorded, which is essential for their academic records and performance tracking.
  • Parents: Offers transparency and peace of mind, knowing that the school accurately tracks their child’s participation in exams.


  1. Mark Module

Importance: The mark module allows teachers to input student exam and continuous assessment (CA) scores seamlessly, with the system automatically calculating the final results, saving time and reducing errors.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Streamlines the grading process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in result calculation.
  • Teachers: Reduces the workload associated with calculating final grades, allowing more time for instruction and student support.
  • Students: Provides timely and accurate feedback on their performance, helping them understand their progress.
  • Parents: Ensures that they receive accurate and timely information about their child’s academic performance.


  1. Mark Distribution Module

Importance: The mark distribution module allows schools to create unique grading schemes, naming and defining their continuous assessments or exams according to the school’s specific requirements.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Facilitates the implementation of a customized grading system that aligns with the school’s educational philosophy.
  • Teachers: Provides flexibility in how grades are distributed and named, allowing for a more tailored assessment approach.
  • Students: Ensures that grading schemes are clear and reflective of the specific criteria set by their school.
  • Parents: Enhances understanding of how their child’s performance is assessed, providing transparency and clarity.


  1. Promotion Module

Importance: The promotion module enables the school to promote or demote students easily based on their academic performance, streamlining the student advancement process.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Simplifies the process of student progression, ensuring that it is managed consistently and fairly.
  • Teachers: Assists in making informed decisions about student advancement based on performance data.
  • Students: Ensures that promotions and demotions are handled transparently, helping them understand their academic standing.
  • Parents: Provides clarity on their child’s academic progression and the criteria used for promotion or demotion.


  1. Internal Messaging System

Importance: The internal messaging system allows quick communication between staff, students, and parents within the school portal, fostering efficient and secure communication.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enhances communication efficiency, ensuring that important messages are delivered promptly.
  • Teachers: Facilitates direct communication with students and parents, supporting educational and administrative needs.
  • Students: Provides a secure platform to communicate with teachers and staff, aiding in academic support and query resolution.
  • Parents: Enables quick and direct communication with teachers and school administration, fostering a collaborative environment.


  1. Media Module

Importance: The media module allows the upload and management of lesson notes, documents, and other files, providing a centralized repository for educational resources.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Ensures that all educational materials are well-organized and easily accessible, supporting the learning process.
  • Teachers: Provides a platform to share lesson notes and resources with students, enhancing teaching effectiveness.
  • Students: Offers easy access to educational materials, supporting their learning and study needs.
  • Parents: Helps parents support their child’s education by providing access to learning resources and materials.


  1. Email Module

Importance: The email module enables the school to send emails to students, parents, staff, and other users individually or in bulk, ensuring efficient communication.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Facilitates mass communication, ensuring that important announcements and updates reach all stakeholders quickly.
  • Teachers: Allows for the easy distribution of class updates, homework, and other important information to students and parents.
  • Students: Ensures they receive important information and updates from the school and teachers.
  • Parents: Keeps them informed about school events, their child’s progress, and other important communications.


  1. SMS Module

Importance: The SMS module allows the school to send SMS notifications to students, parents, staff, and other users individually or in bulk, ensuring timely communication.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Provides an additional communication channel to ensure that important messages are received promptly.
  • Teachers: Offers a quick way to send reminders and updates to students and parents.
  • Students: Ensures they receive urgent notifications, such as schedule changes or important reminders.
  • Parents: Keeps them informed about urgent matters, ensuring they are always up-to-date with school activities and their child’s needs.


  1. Online Exam (CBT) Module

Importance: The online exam (Computer-Based Testing) module allows the creation of questions, storing them in a question bank, assigning exams to classes, and automatically grading them, streamlining the assessment process.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Modernizes the assessment process, making it more efficient and scalable.
  • Teachers: Reduces the workload associated with exam administration and grading, allowing more focus on teaching.
  • Students: Provides a convenient and modern way to take exams, ensuring quick feedback on performance.
  • Parents: Offers transparency in the assessment process and quick access to their child’s results.


  1. Salary Template Module

Importance: The salary template module allows the preparation of easy-to-use salary templates for staff, assigning salary grades that include basic salary, overtime rates, allowances, and deductions.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Streamlines payroll management, ensuring accurate and efficient processing of staff salaries.
  • Teachers: Ensures that salaries are calculated accurately, reflecting all components such as basic salary, overtime, and allowances.
  • Students: Indirectly benefits students by ensuring that teachers and staff are well-compensated and motivated.
  • Parents: Promotes a stable and well-managed school environment, indirectly benefiting their child’s education.


  1. Manage Salary Module

Importance: The manage salary module enables schools to easily view and manage salaries paid to staff on a monthly basis, ensuring accurate record-keeping and payroll management.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Simplifies payroll management, ensuring that all salary transactions are accurately recorded and easily accessible for auditing and financial planning.
  • Teachers: Ensures transparency in salary payments, allowing teachers to view their salary details and verify accuracy.
  • Students: Indirectly benefits students by ensuring that teachers are paid accurately and on time, promoting a stable teaching environment.
  • Parents: Provides confidence that the school manages its finances effectively, contributing to a well-run institution.


  1. Pay Salary Module

Importance: The pay salary module facilitates the recording of salaries paid to staff, generating payslips and ensuring all salary transactions are accurately documented.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enhances financial management by ensuring all salary payments are well-documented and payslips are generated automatically.
  • Teachers: Provides detailed payslips, ensuring they understand their salary breakdown, including deductions and allowances.
  • Students: Indirectly benefits students by ensuring that teachers are well-compensated, contributing to a positive educational environment.
  • Parents: Assures parents that the school maintains a transparent and efficient financial system.


  1. Overtime Payment Module

Importance: The overtime payment module allows schools to manage and pay staff for extra hours worked, ensuring that all overtime is accurately recorded and compensated.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Streamlines the process of managing overtime, ensuring accurate compensation and fostering goodwill among staff.
  • Teachers: Ensures fair compensation for extra hours worked, boosting morale and motivation.
  • Students: Benefits students by ensuring that teachers are fairly compensated for additional work, promoting a supportive learning environment.
  • Parents: Provides reassurance that the school values and compensates staff fairly, contributing to overall school stability.


  1. Asset Management Module

Importance: The asset management module enables schools to manage and track their assets, from acquisition to disposal, ensuring efficient use and maintenance of school property.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enhances control over school assets, ensuring they are used efficiently and maintained properly, reducing losses and unnecessary expenditures.
  • Teachers: Provides access to necessary resources, ensuring that teaching and administrative tasks are well-supported by available assets.
  • Students: Ensures that learning environments are well-equipped and maintained, contributing to a better educational experience.
  • Parents: Offers confidence that the school manages its resources effectively, maximizing the benefits for their children’s education.





  1. Inventory Management Module

Importance: The inventory management module allows schools to manage their inventories, including categorizing products, tracking stock levels, and managing suppliers, ensuring efficient resource management.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Improves efficiency in managing school supplies, ensuring that necessary items are always in stock and reducing waste.
  • Teachers: Ensures that teaching materials and supplies are readily available, supporting effective teaching.
  • Students: Benefits students by ensuring that necessary educational materials are always available, supporting their learning needs.
  • Parents: Provides assurance that the school manages its resources efficiently, supporting their child’s education.
  1. Leave Management Module

Importance: The leave management module allows staff and students to submit leave applications, which can be easily accepted or declined by school authorities, and track previous leaves.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Streamlines the leave application process, ensuring that all leave requests are documented and managed efficiently.
  • Teachers: Simplifies the process of requesting leave, ensuring that their leave records are accurately maintained.
  • Students: Provides an easy way to request leave, ensuring that their absences are documented and approved.
  • Parents: Ensures that leave requests are handled transparently, providing peace of mind that their child’s absences are properly managed.


  1. Learning Management System (Tutorial) Module

Importance: The Learning Management System (LMS) allows teachers to upload video content and other educational materials for students, providing an accessible online learning platform.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enhances the learning experience by providing a platform for digital learning, ensuring that educational content is easily accessible.
  • Teachers: Offers a flexible way to share educational materials, supporting diverse teaching methods and remote learning.
  • Students: Provides access to a wide range of learning materials, supporting their study and improving learning outcomes.
  • Parents: Ensures that their children have access to quality educational resources, supporting their learning both inside and outside the classroom.
  1. Child Care Module

Importance: The child care module helps schools that operate child care programs track children’s attendance, including drop-off and pick-up times, ensuring their safety and well-being.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enhances the management of child care programs, ensuring that children’s attendance is accurately tracked and managed.
  • Teachers: Provides a secure system to track and manage children in their care, ensuring their safety.
  • Students: Ensures their safety by accurately tracking their attendance and whereabouts during child care programs.
  • Parents: Provides peace of mind by ensuring that their children are well-monitored and safe during school child care programs.


  1. E-Library Module

Importance: The e-library module allows schools to upload and manage digital documents that students can access, read online, or download, supporting a digital learning environment.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enhances the availability of educational resources, supporting a modern, digital approach to learning.
  • Teachers: Provides a platform to share a wide range of digital resources, supporting diverse teaching methods.
  • Students: Offers easy access to digital books and resources, supporting their study and learning needs.
  • Parents: Ensures that their children have access to a wide range of educational resources, supporting their academic growth.


  1. Library Module

Importance: The library module helps schools manage their physical book collections, including tracking which students have borrowed books and ensuring timely returns.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Improves the management of the school’s physical library, ensuring that books are well-maintained and available for use.
  • Teachers: Provides a system to track and manage book loans, ensuring that educational resources are available to support teaching.
  • Students: Ensures that they have access to physical books and can easily borrow and return them, supporting their learning.
  • Parents: Provides assurance that the school maintains a well-organized library, supporting their child’s educational needs.


  1. Transport Module

Importance: The transport module enables schools to manage and monitor their transportation system, including the allocation of buses and routes to students, ensuring safe and efficient travel to and from school.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enhances the management of transportation logistics, ensuring efficient route planning and allocation of buses, and reducing operational costs.
  • Teachers: Provides information on student transport schedules, ensuring teachers are aware of students' arrival and departure times.
  • Students: Ensures safe and reliable transportation, allowing students to focus on their studies without worrying about travel.
  • Parents: Offers peace of mind by ensuring their children are safely transported to and from school, and provides updates on transportation status.


  1. Hostel Module

Importance: The hostel module helps schools manage their boarding facilities by allocating hostels to students, monitoring the number of students in each hostel, and ensuring a well-organized living environment.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Improves the management of boarding facilities, ensuring optimal use of space and resources, and maintaining a safe living environment.
  • Teachers: Provides information on students' living arrangements, helping teachers monitor and support boarding students effectively.
  • Students: Ensures a well-organized and safe living environment, allowing boarding students to focus on their studies and personal development.
  • Parents: Offers reassurance that their children are well-cared for in a safe and structured boarding environment, with proper monitoring and support.


  1. Account Management Module

Importance: The account management module allows schools to manage financial transactions, including fee types, invoices, payment history, expenses, and income, ensuring transparent and efficient financial management.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enhances financial transparency and accountability, ensuring accurate tracking of all financial transactions and facilitating financial planning and auditing.
  • Teachers: Provides information on the school's financial health, ensuring that resources are managed effectively to support teaching and learning.
  • Students: Ensures that the financial aspects of their education, such as fee payments and scholarships, are managed efficiently.
  • Parents: Provides transparency in fee payments and financial transactions, ensuring that their payments are accurately recorded and utilized for their children's education.


  1. Announcement Module

Importance: The announcement module allows schools to publish notices, create events, and announce holidays, ensuring effective communication with students, parents, and staff.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Facilitates efficient communication, ensuring that important information reaches all stakeholders promptly and effectively.
  • Teachers: Keeps teachers informed about school events, holidays, and important notices, enabling them to plan their activities accordingly.
  • Students: Ensures that students are aware of important dates, events, and notices, helping them stay organized and informed.
  • Parents: Provides timely updates on school activities and important announcements, ensuring they are well-informed and can support their children's education.



  1. Online Admission Module

Importance: The online admission module allows schools to accept and track applications submitted through their website, and change the application status from pending to declined or accepted, streamlining the admission process.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Simplifies the admission process, reducing paperwork and administrative workload, and ensuring a smooth and efficient system.
  • Teachers: Provides information on new students, helping teachers prepare for incoming students and manage their classes effectively.
  • Students: Offers a convenient and accessible way to apply for admission, reducing the stress and complexity of the application process.
  • Parents: Ensures a smooth and transparent admission process, allowing parents to track the status of their children's applications and receive timely updates.



  1. Visitors Information Module

Importance: The visitors information module boosts school security by recording external visitors' real-time face capture, name, reason for visiting, and check-in/check-out times, ensuring a secure environment.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enhances security by tracking all visitors, ensuring that only authorized individuals enter the premises and maintaining a safe environment.
  • Teachers: Provides information on visitors, ensuring that teachers are aware of any external individuals on campus and can take appropriate precautions.
  • Students: Ensures a safe school environment by monitoring and controlling access to the school premises.
  • Parents: Offers peace of mind that the school is maintaining a secure environment, protecting their children from unauthorized access.


  1. Frontend CRM Module

Importance: The frontend CRM module allows schools to manage the content on their website without technical skills, enabling them to edit the gallery, publish blogs, and update information easily.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Simplifies website management, ensuring that the school's online presence is up-to-date and accurately reflects its activities and achievements.
  • Teachers: Provides a platform to share news, achievements, and educational content, promoting their work and the school's activities.
  • Students: Keeps students informed about school activities, news, and updates, enhancing their connection to the school community.
  • Parents: Ensures that parents have access to the latest information about the school, including news, events, and important updates, keeping them engaged and informed.


  1. Class Report Module

Importance: The class report module allows schools to generate reports showing the subjects offered in each class, total fee due, and collected in the class, providing a comprehensive overview.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Provides detailed insights into class performance and financial contributions, aiding in resource allocation and planning.
  • Teachers: Offers information on class subjects and financial status, helping teachers understand the overall performance and needs of their classes.
  • Students: Ensures that class information is well-documented and accessible, supporting their academic planning and understanding of class dynamics.
  • Parents: Provides transparency in class performance and fee contributions, ensuring that parents are aware of their financial commitments and their children's academic environment.


  1. Student Report Module

Importance: The student report module allows schools to generate reports on students based on various metrics such as birthdays, blood group, transport, and hostel, ensuring comprehensive student records.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enhances student record management, providing detailed information that supports administrative and academic decisions.
  • Teachers: Provides valuable insights into student demographics and needs, helping teachers tailor their support and teaching methods.
  • Students: Ensures that their personal and academic information is accurately recorded and accessible, supporting their well-being and academic progress.
  • Parents: Offers detailed information on their children, ensuring that parents are well-informed about their children's school life and needs.


  1. ID Card Module

Importance: The ID card module allows schools to generate ID cards for students, staff, and other users, ensuring secure identification and access control within the school.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enhances security and identification within the school, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to school facilities.
  • Teachers: Provides a secure means of identification, helping to ensure that staff are easily recognizable and authorized.
  • Students: Ensures that students have a secure form of identification, promoting safety and security within the school environment.
  • Parents: Offers assurance that the school maintains a secure environment through proper identification of all individuals on campus.



  1. Admit Card Module

Importance: The admit card module allows schools to generate admit cards for students, providing essential information about the subjects they are enrolled in and facilitating the smooth conduct of examinations.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Streamlines the examination process by ensuring that students have their admit cards with all necessary details, minimizing administrative hassles.
  • Teachers: Facilitates the organization of examinations by providing clear information about the subjects and students enrolled for each exam session.
  • Students: Ensures that students have the necessary documentation for appearing in examinations, reducing stress and confusion during exam time.
  • Parents: Offers assurance that their children are well-prepared for exams, with all necessary documentation in place for smooth exam conduct.


  1. Timetable (Routine Report) Module

Importance: The timetable module allows schools to generate timetables for students and teachers, providing a structured schedule for daily activities and ensuring effective time management.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Facilitates efficient planning and organization of school activities by providing a clear timetable for classes, exams, and other events.
  • Teachers: Helps teachers plan their lessons and activities in accordance with the scheduled timetable, ensuring smooth coordination and effective teaching.
  • Students: Provides a structured schedule for classes and other activities, helping students manage their time effectively and stay organized.
  • Parents: Offers visibility into the daily schedule of their children, allowing them to support their children's academic commitments and plan family activities accordingly.


  1. Exam Timetable (Routine Report) Module

Importance: The exam timetable module allows schools to generate timetables for examinations, providing clear schedules for students and teachers and ensuring smooth conduct of exams.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Streamlines the examination process by providing a clear timetable for all exams, minimizing confusion and ensuring timely conduct of examinations.
  • Teachers: Helps teachers prepare for exams by providing clear schedules and ample time for exam preparation and revision.
  • Students: Provides a clear schedule for all examinations, allowing students to plan their study and revision time effectively and reducing exam-related stress.
  • Parents: Offers visibility into the exam schedule of their children, allowing them to provide necessary support and encouragement during the exam period.


  1. Attendance Report Module

Importance: The attendance report module allows schools to generate reports on student attendance, providing insights into attendance patterns and facilitating interventions for students with poor attendance records.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enables schools to monitor and track student attendance effectively, identifying trends and implementing strategies to improve overall attendance rates.
  • Teachers: Provides valuable insights into student attendance patterns, allowing teachers to identify students who may need additional support or intervention.
  • Students: Helps students track their own attendance and identify areas for improvement, encouraging greater accountability and responsibility.
  • Parents: Offers visibility into their children's attendance records, allowing parents to support their children in maintaining regular attendance and addressing any attendance-related issues.


  1. Attendance Overview Report Module

Importance: The attendance overview report module allows schools to generate comprehensive reports on staff and student attendance, providing insights into attendance trends over time.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Facilitates data-driven decision-making by providing insights into attendance trends and patterns, enabling schools to implement targeted interventions to improve attendance rates.
  • Teachers: Helps teachers track their own attendance and identify any patterns or trends that may require attention, ensuring accountability and professionalism.
  • Students: Provides visibility into overall attendance trends, helping students understand the importance of regular attendance and encouraging greater engagement with school activities.
  • Parents: Offers transparency and accountability in attendance monitoring, allowing parents to support their children in maintaining regular attendance and addressing any attendance-related concerns.


  1. Library Book Report Module

Importance: The library book report module allows schools to generate reports on the books available in the library, providing insights into the library collection and facilitating management of library resources.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enables schools to maintain an up-to-date inventory of library books, facilitating effective management and allocation of library resources.
  • Teachers: Helps teachers identify relevant books and resources for their lessons and research, enhancing the quality of teaching and learning.
  • Students: Provides visibility into the available books and resources in the library, allowing students to access and utilize relevant materials for their academic pursuits.
  • Parents: Offers assurance that the school library is well-stocked with relevant books and resources, supporting their children's academic development and research needs.


  1. Library Card Report Module

Importance: The library card report module allows schools to generate reports on library card IDs issued to students, ensuring proper documentation and management of library memberships.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Facilitates proper documentation and management of library memberships, ensuring that students have access to library resources and services.
  • Teachers: Helps teachers identify students who are eligible to borrow books from the library, facilitating the integration of library resources into classroom activities.
  • Students: Provides visibility into their library membership status, ensuring that they have access to library resources and can borrow books for their academic needs.
  • Parents: Offers assurance that their children have access to library resources and services, supporting their academic development and research needs.


  1. Library Book Issue Module

Importance: The library book issue module allows schools to track and manage books borrowed by students, ensuring proper documentation and timely return of library materials.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Facilitates efficient management of library resources by tracking book loans and ensuring timely return of borrowed materials.
  • Teachers: Helps teachers monitor and support students' use of library resources, encouraging the integration of library materials into classroom activities.
  • Students: Provides a streamlined process for borrowing and returning library books, ensuring access to relevant resources for their academic needs.
  • Parents: Offers assurance that their children are responsibly using library resources and returning borrowed materials on time, supporting their academic development and research needs.


  1. Terminal Report Module

Importance: The terminal report module allows schools to generate termly reports for students, providing comprehensive assessments of their academic performance and progress.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Provides a formal assessment of student performance and progress, facilitating communication with parents and supporting academic planning and intervention.
  • Teachers: Helps teachers assess student performance and progress over the course of the term, identifying areas for improvement and providing targeted support.
  • Students: Offers feedback on their academic performance and progress, helping them set goals and take ownership of their learning journey.
  • Parents: Provides insights into their children's academic performance and progress, enabling them to support their children's learning and address any areas of concern.


  1. Merit Stage Report Module

Importance: The Merit Stage Report Module serves as a pivotal tool in recognizing and honoring students' academic accomplishments by generating reports that highlight their performance in examinations, arranged according to their position or highest scores. It plays a crucial role in promoting a culture of academic excellence within the educational institution.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Promotes Academic Excellence: By acknowledging and celebrating the achievements of high-performing students, the school fosters a competitive spirit among learners, motivating them to strive for excellence.
    • Public Recognition: Merit stage reports offer the school an opportunity to publicly recognize and appreciate students who have demonstrated exceptional academic prowess, enhancing the institution's reputation and prestige.
    • Data-Driven Decision Making: Analyzing the data from merit stage reports allows the school administration to identify trends in student performance, which can inform strategic decisions related to curriculum development, teaching methodologies, and student support services.
  2. Teachers:
    • Identifying High Achievers: Merit stage reports enable teachers to identify and commend students who have excelled academically, providing positive reinforcement and encouragement for their continued efforts.
    • Tailoring Instruction: Understanding the academic strengths and weaknesses of students showcased in the reports helps teachers tailor their instructional approaches to better meet the diverse learning needs of their students.
    • Setting Benchmarks: Teachers can use the performance benchmarks established by the merit stage reports to set academic goals for their classes, inspiring students to strive for improvement and excellence.
  3. Students:
    • Recognition and Motivation: Being recognized in merit stage reports for their outstanding academic performance serves as a source of pride and motivation for students, encouraging them to maintain their dedication to learning.
    • Goal Setting: Merit stage reports provide students with clear benchmarks for academic success, empowering them to set ambitious goals and work diligently towards achieving them.
    • Competitive Edge: Students who consistently feature in merit stage reports gain a competitive edge in their academic pursuits, opening up opportunities for scholarships, leadership roles, and future endeavors.
  4. Parents:
    • Celebrating Achievements: Merit stage reports offer parents the chance to celebrate their children's academic achievements and recognize their hard work and dedication to their studies.
    • Insight into Performance: Parents gain valuable insights into their children's academic strengths and areas for improvement through the information presented in the reports, allowing them to provide targeted support and encouragement.
    • Collaborative Engagement: Armed with information from merit stage reports, parents can collaborate with teachers and school administrators to devise strategies for further enhancing their children's academic success and overall well-being.




  1. Tabulation Sheet Report Module

Importance: The tabulation sheet report module allows schools to generate reports showing each class or student's mark distribution and total scores, providing a detailed overview of academic performance.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Facilitates comprehensive assessment and analysis of student performance, enabling data-driven decision-making and targeted interventions.
  • Teachers: Provides insights into individual student performance and progress, helping teachers tailor their teaching strategies and support mechanisms accordingly.
  • Students: Offers a detailed breakdown of their academic performance, helping students identify areas for improvement and set realistic goals for academic growth.
  • Parents: Provides transparency and accountability in student assessment, enabling parents to support their children's academic development and monitor their progress effectively.


  1. Mark Sheet Report Module

Importance: The mark sheet report module allows schools to generate exam mark sheets, providing detailed information on student performance in each subject or assessment.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enables schools to maintain accurate records of student performance and progress, supporting academic planning and evaluation.
  • Teachers: Provides detailed feedback on student performance, helping teachers identify strengths and weaknesses and tailor their teaching strategies accordingly.
  • Students: Offers a clear overview of their performance in exams or assessments, enabling students to track their progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • Parents: Provides transparency and accountability in student assessment, enabling parents to support their children's learning and monitor their academic progress effectively.


  1. Progress Card Report Module

Importance: The progress card report module allows schools to generate progress report sheets for students, showing their cumulative scores and performance over a term or academic year.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Facilitates ongoing assessment and evaluation of student progress, supporting data-driven decision-making and targeted interventions.
  • Teachers: Provides a comprehensive overview of student performance over time, enabling teachers to track progress and identify areas for additional support or enrichment.
  • Students: Offers a holistic view of their academic journey and progress, helping students set goals and monitor their growth and development.
  • Parents: Provides regular updates on their children's academic progress and performance, enabling parents to support their children's learning and engage effectively with their education.


  1. Student Session Report Module

Importance: The student session report module allows schools or students to generate reports covering the entire academic session, providing a comprehensive overview of academic performance and progress.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enables schools to evaluate student performance and progress over an academic session, supporting strategic planning and program evaluation.
  • Teachers: Provides insights into student learning and achievement over time, helping teachers assess the effectiveness of their teaching methods and interventions.
  • Students: Offers a comprehensive summary of their academic journey and achievements over the academic session, supporting reflection and goal setting.
  • Parents: Provides a detailed overview of their children's academic progress and achievements over the academic session, enabling parents to support their children's learning effectively.


  1. Online Exam Report Module

Importance: The online exam report module allows schools to generate reports showing the scores of students in online exams, providing valuable insights into student performance and areas for improvement.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Facilitates assessment and evaluation of student performance in online exams, enabling schools to monitor learning outcomes and identify areas for curriculum enhancement.
  • Teachers: Provides detailed feedback on student performance in online exams, helping teachers assess learning outcomes and tailor their teaching strategies accordingly.
  • Students: Offers insights into their performance in online exams, enabling students to identify strengths and weaknesses and focus on areas for improvement.
  • Parents: Provides transparency and accountability in online assessment, enabling parents to support their children's learning and monitor their academic progress effectively.


  1. Online Exam Question Report Module

Importance: The online exam question report module allows schools to generate reports showing the questions used in online exams, including the exam question, OMR sheet, and answer sheet.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Enables schools to review and evaluate the effectiveness of online exam questions, supporting continuous improvement in assessment practices.
  • Teachers: Provides insights into the types of questions used in online exams, helping teachers align assessments with learning objectives and standards.
  • Students: Offers transparency in online exam assessments, enabling students to understand the format and structure of exam questions and prepare effectively.
  • Parents: Provides assurance that online exam assessments are aligned with curriculum standards and learning objectives, supporting confidence in the assessment process.


  1. Online Admission Report Module

Importance: The online admission report module allows schools to view the total number of students who applied for admission through their online admission portal, providing valuable insights into enrollment trends.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Facilitates analysis of enrollment trends and patterns, enabling schools to plan effectively for admissions and resource allocation.
  • Teachers: Provides insights into student demographics and enrollment patterns, helping teachers anticipate the needs of incoming students and plan accordingly.
  • Students: Offers transparency in the admission process, enabling students to understand the competitiveness of admission and make informed decisions.
  • Parents: Provides visibility into admission trends and statistics, enabling parents to support their children in the application process and understand admission outcomes effectively.



  1. Certificate Report Module

Importance: The certificate report module allows schools to assign certificates to students for their accomplishments, providing recognition and validation for their achievements.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Recognizes and celebrates student achievements, fostering a positive learning environment and motivating students to excel.
  • Teachers: Provides recognition for student accomplishments, reinforcing the value of hard work and dedication to academic success.
  • Students: Offers validation and recognition for their achievements, boosting self-esteem and confidence in their abilities.
  • Parents: Provides assurance that their children's accomplishments are recognized and celebrated, supporting their children's academic and personal development.


  1. Leave Application Report Module

Importance: The leave application report module allows schools to generate reports on total leave applications submitted over a period of time, providing insights into staff and student absences.

Benefit to Stakeholders:

  • School: Facilitates tracking and monitoring of staff and student absences, enabling schools to manage staffing and resource allocation effectively.
  • Teachers: Provides insights into leave trends and patterns, helping teachers plan for absences and ensure continuity of instruction.
  • Students: Offers transparency in the leave application process, enabling students to understand the impact of absences on their academic progress.
  • Parents: Provides visibility into leave trends and patterns, enabling parents to support their children in managing their academic commitments and absences effectively.


  1. Product Purchase Report Module

Importance: The Product Purchase Report Module is instrumental in tracking and managing the procurement of various products within the school, offering detailed insights into purchasing activities over a specified period.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Budget Planning: By providing a comprehensive overview of product purchases and associated costs, this module aids in budget planning and allocation for future procurement needs.
    • Vendor Evaluation: Schools can assess vendor performance and reliability based on purchase history and ensure strategic partnerships with trusted suppliers.
    • Inventory Management: Insights from purchase reports facilitate efficient inventory management by identifying product consumption patterns and optimizing stock levels.
  2. Teachers:
    • Resource Allocation: Teachers can utilize purchase reports to request specific educational materials or resources needed for classroom instruction, ensuring access to relevant teaching aids.
    • Curriculum Enhancement: Analysis of purchased products helps educators identify gaps in instructional materials and advocate for the acquisition of resources that align with curriculum objectives.
  3. Students:
    • Access to Learning Resources: Purchase reports contribute to enriching students' learning experiences by ensuring the availability of essential textbooks, educational tools, and supplementary materials.
    • Quality Assurance: Students benefit from the procurement of high-quality educational resources that enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities.
  4. Parents:
    • Transparency in Expenditure: Parents gain transparency into the school's spending on educational resources, fostering trust and confidence in the institution's commitment to providing a conducive learning environment.
    • Supporting Academic Needs: Awareness of purchased products enables parents to supplement their children's educational journey by acquiring relevant materials for home-based learning and enrichment activities.













  1. Product Sale Report Module

Importance: The Product Sale Report Module facilitates the monitoring and analysis of sales transactions within the school, offering valuable insights into revenue generation and product popularity.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Financial Analysis: Sale reports provide essential financial data, enabling schools to assess revenue streams, identify profitable products, and make informed decisions to optimize sales strategies.
    • Demand Forecasting: Analysis of sales trends helps forecast demand for specific products, allowing schools to streamline inventory management and procurement processes.
  2. Teachers:
    • Resource Utilization: Teachers can leverage sales data to identify popular educational materials or resources and incorporate them into lesson plans to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.
    • Fundraising Opportunities: Awareness of products with high demand presents opportunities for teachers to organize fundraising initiatives or educational events centered around popular items.
  3. Students:
    • Access to Preferred Resources: Insights from sales reports ensure that students have access to preferred educational materials and extracurricular resources, enhancing their overall learning experience.
    • Supporting School Initiatives: Students can contribute to school initiatives by participating in fundraising activities or purchasing products that support educational programs and projects.
  4. Parents:
    • Understanding School Activities: Sale reports provide parents with visibility into school activities and initiatives, including fundraising efforts and events aimed at enhancing educational resources and facilities.
    • Encouraging Participation: Parents can support school initiatives by purchasing products or participating in fundraising events, contributing to the overall development and success of the educational institution.


  1. Search Payment Fees Report Module

Importance: The Search Payment Fees Report Module enables efficient tracking and retrieval of payment records, facilitating transparency and accountability in financial transactions within the school.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Financial Transparency: The ability to search and retrieve payment records promotes transparency in financial management practices, instilling trust and confidence among stakeholders.
    • Auditing and Compliance: Schools can easily access payment history for auditing purposes and ensure compliance with financial regulations and reporting requirements.
  2. Teachers:
    • Transaction Verification: Teachers can verify payment transactions related to educational materials, resources, or event participation, ensuring accuracy and accountability in financial matters.
  3. Students:
    • Fee Management: Students can utilize the search feature to track their fee payments, view transaction details, and maintain a record of their financial obligations to the school.
  4. Parents:
    • Financial Planning: Parents can conveniently search for and review payment records, aiding in financial planning and budgeting for their children's education expenses.
    • Dispute Resolution: In case of discrepancies or payment-related queries, parents can refer to the search payment fees report to resolve issues promptly and accurately.


  1. Fees Report Module

Importance: The Fees Report Module generates comprehensive reports on student fees, providing schools with insights into fee collections, outstanding balances, and overall revenue management.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Revenue Analysis: Fees reports facilitate in-depth analysis of fee collections, allowing schools to evaluate revenue trends, forecast financial projections, and make strategic decisions.
    • Resource Allocation: Schools can allocate financial resources more effectively by identifying areas with high fee arrears and implementing targeted interventions to address outstanding balances.
  2. Teachers:
    • Student Engagement: Teachers can access fee reports to gain insights into students' financial situations and provide support or guidance to students facing challenges related to fee payments.
  3. Students:
    • Financial Awareness: Students can review fee reports to understand their financial obligations to the school, track payments, and plan accordingly to fulfill fee requirements.
  4. Parents:
    • Budget Planning: Parents benefit from fee reports by gaining visibility into fee structures, payment schedules, and outstanding balances, enabling them to plan and manage their children's education expenses effectively.
    • Communication and Support: Fee reports facilitate communication between parents and school administrators regarding fee-related matters, fostering collaboration and support in addressing financial concerns or queries.


  1. Due Fees Report Module

Importance: The Due Fees Report Module is vital for schools to track and manage outstanding fee balances owed by students, ensuring financial accountability and facilitating timely fee collection.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Financial Management: The module aids in maintaining the financial health of the school by identifying overdue fee payments, allowing for targeted follow-ups and reminders to collect outstanding balances.
    • Resource Planning: Schools can forecast cash flow and allocate resources more effectively by understanding the extent of outstanding fee balances and implementing strategies to address them.
  2. Teachers:
    • Student Support: Teachers can collaborate with school administrators to identify students with overdue fees and provide support or resources to alleviate financial burdens, ensuring that financial concerns do not impede students' academic success.
  3. Students:
    • Financial Awareness: Students gain visibility into their outstanding fee balances through this module, enabling them to take responsibility for their financial obligations and work towards resolving any outstanding payments to maintain their enrollment status.
  4. Parents:
    • Financial Planning: Parents can access due fees reports to monitor their children's fee payment status, facilitating financial planning and budgeting to ensure timely settlement of outstanding balances and avoid disruptions to their children's education.
  1. Balance Fee Report Module

Importance: The Balance Fee Report Module provides comprehensive reports on students' remaining fee balances after considering payments made, enabling schools to track fee collection progress and identify areas for follow-up.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Financial Tracking: Schools can monitor fee collection efforts and assess the effectiveness of payment plans or interventions by generating balance fee reports, facilitating informed decision-making to optimize revenue management.
    • Communication Strategy: The module enables schools to communicate effectively with students and parents regarding remaining fee balances, offering clarity on outstanding payments and promoting transparency in financial transactions.
  2. Teachers:
    • Student Engagement: Teachers can support fee collection efforts by encouraging students to settle their remaining fee balances, emphasizing the importance of financial responsibility in maintaining a conducive learning environment.
  3. Students:
    • Progress Tracking: Students benefit from balance fee reports by understanding their remaining fee obligations and tracking their progress towards clearing outstanding balances, fostering accountability and financial literacy.
  4. Parents:
    • Financial Oversight: Parents can stay informed about their children's remaining fee balances through balance fee reports, allowing them to support their children in managing financial commitments and ensuring timely settlement of outstanding fees for uninterrupted education.


  1. Transaction Report Module

Importance: The Transaction Report Module is crucial for recording and analyzing all financial transactions within the school, providing a detailed overview of income, expenses, fees collection, and salary disbursements.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Financial Transparency: Ensures clear and comprehensive tracking of all financial activities, promoting transparency and accountability.
    • Budget Management: Facilitates effective budget planning and allocation by providing insights into income and expenditure patterns.
    • Compliance and Auditing: Helps in meeting regulatory requirements and simplifies the auditing process with well-documented financial records.
  2. Teachers:
    • Resource Requests: Enables teachers to understand the financial health of the school, which can support their requests for educational resources or project funding.
    • Salary Verification: Allows teachers to verify their salary disbursements and related financial transactions.
  3. Students:
    • Fee Transparency: Provides students with clear information about their fee payments and any other financial transactions involving them.
    • Financial Literacy: Helps students understand financial management and the importance of maintaining accurate financial records.
  4. Parents:
    • Financial Oversight: Offers parents detailed reports on fee payments and any other financial transactions related to their children’s education.
    • Trust Building: Enhances trust by ensuring parents that the school manages finances responsibly and transparently.


  1. Student Fine Report Module

Importance: The Student Fine Report Module tracks fines imposed on students for various infractions, providing detailed records of fine amounts, reasons, and payment statuses.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Disciplinary Management: Helps the school maintain records of disciplinary actions and financial penalties, ensuring consistent enforcement of rules and regulations.
    • Revenue Tracking: Aids in tracking the collection of fines as part of the school's revenue management.
  2. Teachers:
    • Behavioral Monitoring: Assists teachers in monitoring student behavior and understanding the impact of fines on student conduct.
    • Supportive Measures: Enables teachers to identify students who may need additional support or counseling to avoid further infractions.
  3. Students:
    • Accountability: Encourages students to understand the consequences of their actions and take responsibility for any fines incurred.
    • Behavior Improvement: Serves as a deterrent for future infractions, promoting better behavior and adherence to school rules.
  4. Parents:
    • Transparency: Provides parents with detailed information about any fines imposed on their children, including reasons and amounts.
    • Parental Involvement: Enables parents to address behavioral issues with their children and support the school's disciplinary efforts.


  1. Overtime Report Module

Importance: The Overtime Report Module tracks and records overtime hours worked by staff, providing detailed reports on extra hours, dates, and corresponding payments.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Labor Cost Management: Helps the school manage labor costs by accurately tracking overtime hours and ensuring fair compensation.
    • Workload Assessment: Allows school administrators to assess staff workloads and distribute tasks more evenly to prevent burnout.
  2. Teachers:
    • Fair Compensation: Ensures teachers are fairly compensated for any extra hours worked, promoting job satisfaction and motivation.
    • Workload Management: Helps teachers keep track of their overtime hours and manage their work-life balance more effectively.
  3. Students:
    • Quality Education: Students benefit from a well-compensated and motivated teaching staff, which can positively impact the quality of education.
    • After-School Programs: Accurate tracking of teacher overtime can support the organization of after-school programs and activities.
  4. Parents:
    • Trust in School Management: Parents gain confidence in the school’s management practices, knowing that staff members are fairly compensated for their additional efforts.
    • Enhanced Student Support: Ensures that programs requiring extra teacher time, such as tutoring or extracurricular activities, are effectively managed.


  1. Salary Report Module

Importance: The Salary Report Module provides detailed reports on salary disbursements to staff, including amounts, payment dates, and deductions, ensuring transparency and accuracy in payroll management.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Payroll Management: Facilitates accurate and efficient payroll management, reducing errors and ensuring timely salary disbursements.
    • Financial Planning: Helps in financial planning and budgeting by providing detailed insights into salary expenses.
  2. Teachers:
    • Payment Transparency: Ensures transparency in salary payments, allowing teachers to verify their earnings and understand any deductions.
    • Financial Security: Provides teachers with detailed salary records, aiding in personal financial planning and stability.
  3. Students:
    • Indirect Benefits: Students benefit indirectly from a well-compensated and satisfied teaching staff, which can enhance the overall quality of education.
  4. Parents:
    • Trust and Confidence: Parents gain trust in the school’s financial management practices, knowing that teachers and staff are paid fairly and on time.
    • Educational Stability: Ensures educational stability as well-compensated teachers are likely to be more committed and motivated.


  1. Complain Module

Importance: The Complain Module allows staff, students, and other users to submit complaints directly to school administrators, ensuring that concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Issue Tracking: Helps in systematically tracking and managing complaints, leading to quicker resolutions and improvements in school operations.
    • Feedback Mechanism: Provides a structured way to gather feedback from the school community, which can be used to enhance policies and practices.
  2. Teachers:
    • Work Environment: Teachers can report issues affecting their work environment or resources, ensuring that these problems are addressed promptly, leading to a better teaching environment.
    • Support and Protection: Offers a secure channel to raise concerns without fear of retribution, promoting a safer and more supportive workplace.
  3. Students:
    • Voice and Advocacy: Empowers students to voice their concerns about academic, social, or infrastructure issues, ensuring their needs and rights are considered.
    • Problem Resolution: Facilitates timely resolution of issues that may impact their learning experience or well-being.
  4. Parents:
    • Engagement: Enables parents to raise concerns about their children's education, safety, or well-being, fostering a collaborative relationship with the school.
    • Assurance: Provides assurance that their complaints will be taken seriously and addressed, enhancing trust in the school’s administration.


  1. Certificate Template Module

Importance: The Certificate Template Module allows schools to design and issue various certificates to students and staff, recognizing achievements, accomplishments, and other significant milestones.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Recognition System: Helps establish a formal recognition system for academic, extracurricular, and professional achievements.
    • Branding: Consistent certificate designs enhance the school's branding and professional image.
  2. Teachers:
    • Acknowledgment: Provides a means to recognize and reward teacher achievements and contributions, boosting morale and motivation.
    • Student Motivation: Enables teachers to easily create and issue certificates to students, encouraging them to strive for excellence.
  3. Students:
    • Motivation and Encouragement: Receiving certificates for various accomplishments can significantly motivate students and encourage continued effort and participation.
    • Portfolio Building: Helps students build a portfolio of achievements that can be valuable for future educational or career opportunities
    • .
  4. Parents:
    • Pride and Recognition: Parents can take pride in their children's achievements and display the certificates, enhancing their engagement and satisfaction with the school's efforts.
    • Evidence of Progress: Provides tangible evidence of their children's progress and success in school.


  1. Internal Password Reset Module

Importance: The Internal Password Reset Module enables school administrators to reset user passwords without requiring users to go through the standard forgotten password process, ensuring quick access restoration.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Security and Control: Enhances security by allowing administrators to promptly address account access issues and enforce password policies.
    • Operational Efficiency: Reduces downtime and ensures that users can quickly regain access to their accounts, maintaining operational efficiency.
  2. Teachers:
    • Quick Resolution: Teachers can quickly regain access to their accounts if they forget their passwords, minimizing disruption to their work.
    • Support: Provides a reliable support system for account recovery, ensuring they can continue their teaching activities without long delays.
  3. Students:
    • Continuous Access: Students benefit from uninterrupted access to their educational resources and online portals, ensuring their studies are not hindered by login issues.
    • Support System: Offers an additional layer of support, especially for younger students who may frequently forget their passwords.
  4. Parents:
    • Ease of Access: Parents can regain access to their accounts for tracking their children's progress and communicating with the school without lengthy delays.
    • Convenience: Ensures they can quickly resolve any access issues, maintaining their ability to stay informed about their child's education.


  1. Social Link Module

Importance: The Social Link Module allows school administrators to add and manage social media links on staff profiles, promoting connectivity and communication through various platforms.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Enhanced Communication: Facilitates better communication and engagement between the school community and staff through social media.
    • Marketing and Outreach: Supports the school's marketing efforts by highlighting staff achievements and activities on social media platforms.
  2. Teachers:
    • Professional Networking: Enables teachers to connect with students, parents, and colleagues on social media, enhancing their professional network.
    • Personal Branding: Helps teachers build their personal brand and showcase their expertise and accomplishments.
  3. Students:
    • Accessible Communication: Students can follow and interact with their teachers on social media, gaining additional insights and support.
    • Engagement: Promotes a sense of community and engagement outside of the traditional classroom setting.
  4. Parents:
    • Stay Informed: Parents can stay updated with school events, teacher activities, and educational resources shared on social media.
    • Enhanced Interaction: Facilitates more direct and informal communication with teachers, fostering stronger relationships.


  1. SMS Template Module

Importance: The SMS Template Module allows schools to create and manage templates for different occasions, streamlining the process of sending consistent and professional messages to students, parents, and staff.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Efficiency: Saves time and effort by providing ready-made templates for common communications, ensuring consistency and professionalism.
    • Effective Communication: Enhances communication efficiency by allowing quick dissemination of important information through SMS.
  2. Teachers:
    • Communication: Enables teachers to quickly send consistent messages to students and parents, improving communication and coordination.
    • Time Management: Reduces the time spent crafting individual messages, allowing teachers to focus on their core responsibilities.
  3. Students:
    • Timely Updates: Students receive timely and relevant updates regarding their academic activities, events, and other important information.
    • Clear Communication: Ensures that messages are clear and consistent, reducing misunderstandings and ensuring that students are well-informed.
  4. Parents:
    • Information Access: Parents receive consistent and professional messages regarding their child's progress, school events, and other important updates.
    • Engagement: Enhances parental engagement by keeping them informed and involved in their child's education through regular communication.



  1. Email Template Module

Importance: The Email Template Module enables schools to create and manage pre-designed email templates for various occasions, ensuring consistency and efficiency in communications with students, parents, and staff.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Efficiency: Saves time by providing pre-made templates for frequent communications, ensuring consistency and reducing the effort needed to draft individual emails.
    • Professionalism: Ensures that all communications are professional and consistent, enhancing the school's image and reliability.
  2. Teachers:
    • Streamlined Communication: Teachers can quickly send emails using templates for common notifications, updates, and reminders, improving communication efficiency.
    • Focus on Teaching: Reduces the administrative burden on teachers, allowing them to focus more on teaching and less on drafting repetitive emails.
  3. Students:
    • Consistent Information: Students receive clear and consistent messages regarding their academic activities, deadlines, and important announcements.
    • Reduced Confusion: Ensures that students are well-informed and reduces the chances of miscommunication.
  4. Parents:
    • Timely Updates: Parents receive timely and well-structured updates about their child's progress, school events, and other important matters.
    • Enhanced Engagement: Improves parental engagement by providing consistent and reliable communication from the school.


  1. Import Module

Importance: The Import Module allows schools to bulk import data such as teachers, parents, users, books, students, and exam questions into the portal, reducing the need for manual data entry and ensuring accurate and comprehensive data management.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Data Management: Simplifies the process of updating and managing large datasets, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
    • Time Savings: Significantly reduces the time and effort required for data entry, allowing staff to focus on more critical tasks.
  2. Teachers:
    • Class Setup: Teachers can quickly import student and class data, making it easier to set up classes and manage student information.
    • Resource Availability: Ensures that necessary resources such as books and exam questions are readily available and accurately recorded.
  3. Students:
    • Accurate Records: Ensures that student information is accurately recorded and up-to-date, minimizing errors in academic records.
    • Seamless Experience: Students experience a seamless start to the school year with all their data correctly entered and available.
  4. Parents:
    • Accurate Information: Parents benefit from having their contact and other relevant information accurately recorded, ensuring they receive all necessary communications.
    • Efficiency: Reduces delays in the setup of student records, ensuring that their children are ready to begin classes promptly.


  1. Role Module

Importance: The Role Module allows schools to create roles and assign specific permissions to each role, ensuring that users have appropriate access levels and can perform their duties effectively.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Security: Enhances security by controlling access to sensitive information and functions within the school management system.
    • Operational Efficiency: Ensures that staff members have access to the tools and information they need to perform their roles efficiently.
  2. Teachers:
    • Role-Specific Access: Teachers are granted access to the tools and information relevant to their teaching duties, improving efficiency and productivity.
    • Focus on Teaching: Limits distractions by restricting access to non-essential areas of the system, allowing teachers to focus on their core responsibilities.
  3. Students:
    • Privacy Protection: Protects student data by ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive information.
    • Targeted Support: Students receive more effective support as staff roles are clearly defined and responsibilities are well-distributed.
  4. Parents:
    • Data Security: Ensures that parental and student information is secure and only accessible by authorized school personnel.
    • Effective Communication: Streamlines communication by ensuring that inquiries are directed to the appropriate staff members based on their roles.
  1. Backup Module

Importance: The Backup Module enables schools to generate and save backups of their database data locally, ensuring that critical information is preserved and can be restored in case of data loss or system failure.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Data Protection: Protects the school’s data from loss due to technical failures, accidental deletions, or cyber-attacks.
    • Continuity: Ensures continuity of operations by allowing for quick data restoration in the event of a system failure.
  2. Teachers:
    • Resource Preservation: Ensures that teaching resources and records are preserved and can be quickly restored if needed.
    • Reduced Disruption: Minimizes disruption to teaching activities by ensuring that data can be restored promptly.
  3. Students:
    • Data Integrity: Protects student records and academic data, ensuring that it is not lost and can be quickly restored if necessary.
    • Continuity of Learning: Ensures that learning activities can continue without significant interruption in the event of data loss.
  4. Parents:
    • Security Assurance: Provides assurance to parents that their children’s data is protected and can be restored in case of a system failure.
    • Consistent Communication: Ensures that communication channels remain functional and that important information is preserved.


  1. Multi-Language Module

Importance: The Multi-Language Module allows schools to switch the portal language to suit their needs, accommodating a diverse user base and ensuring accessibility for users who speak different languages.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Inclusivity: Promotes inclusivity by catering to a diverse linguistic population, enhancing the school’s accessibility and appeal.
    • Global Reach: Supports schools with international students and staff, facilitating effective communication and engagement.
  2. Teachers:
    • Language Support: Enables teachers to use the system in their preferred language, improving usability and reducing language barriers.
    • Diverse Classroom Management: Supports teachers in managing classrooms with students from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
  3. Students:
    • Accessibility: Allows students to interact with the portal in their native language, enhancing understanding and usability.
    • Engagement: Encourages engagement by providing a user-friendly interface that accommodates different language preferences.
  4. Parents:
    • Ease of Use: Parents can access information and communicate with the school in their preferred language, ensuring they stay informed and engaged.
    • Enhanced Communication: Facilitates better communication between the school and non-native speaking parents, fostering stronger relationships.






  1. Payment Gateway Integration

Importance: The Payment Gateway Integration feature allows schools to securely process online payments for fees, donations, and other transactions directly through the portal.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:
    • Efficiency: Streamlines the payment process, reducing the administrative burden associated with handling cash or checks.
    • Security: Ensures that all transactions are secure and reduces the risk of financial discrepancies.
  2. Teachers:
    • Less Administrative Work: Reduces the administrative tasks related to collecting and tracking payments, allowing teachers to focus more on teaching.
    • Timely Payments: Ensures that any fees or costs associated with classroom activities are collected promptly.
  3. Students:
    • Convenience: Students can pay for school activities, events, and other fees easily online, ensuring timely participation and reducing the hassle of handling cash.
    • Accessibility: Simplifies the process for students who may need to make payments outside of school hours or from different locations.
  4. Parents:
    • Convenience: Parents can pay school fees and other charges conveniently online, avoiding the need to visit the school in person.
    • Transparency: Provides detailed receipts and transaction histories, ensuring transparency and ease of tracking for parents.

Google Meet Video Conference

Importance: Google Meet Video Conference is a powerful tool that facilitates virtual meetings, classes, and collaboration. It offers a seamless and secure platform for real-time video communication, making it an essential feature for modern educational environments, particularly in the context of remote learning and digital transformation.

Benefits to Stakeholders:

  1. School:

    • Enhanced Communication: Google Meet allows for smooth communication between staff, teachers, students, and parents, bridging gaps caused by physical distance.
    • Flexibility: Schools can host virtual meetings, parent-teacher conferences, staff meetings, and professional development sessions without the need for physical presence, providing greater flexibility.
    • Cost-Efficiency: Reduces the need for physical infrastructure and travel expenses associated with in-person meetings and events.
  2. Teachers:

    • Remote Teaching: Enables teachers to conduct live, interactive classes with students, ensuring continuity of education during periods of remote learning or school closures.
    • Collaboration: Facilitates collaboration among teachers, allowing them to plan lessons, share resources, and discuss strategies in real-time, regardless of their physical location.
    • Professional Development: Provides a platform for teachers to participate in webinars, training sessions, and other professional development opportunities online.
  3. Students:

    • Access to Education: Ensures that students can attend classes and access educational resources remotely, reducing disruptions to their learning.
    • Interactive Learning: Supports interactive and engaging learning experiences through live discussions, screen sharing, and real-time feedback from teachers.
    • Group Projects: Enables students to collaborate on group projects and assignments, fostering teamwork and communication skills.
  4. Parents:

    • Engagement: Facilitates parent-teacher meetings and school events, allowing parents to engage with the school and their child’s education without needing to be physically present.
    • Support:* Provides a platform for parents to participate in school meetings, workshops, and informational sessions, helping them stay informed and involved in their child's academic journey.
    • Convenience: Offers a convenient way for parents to communicate with teachers and school administrators, addressing concerns and receiving updates promptly.

Key Features of Google Meet Video Conference:

  • High-Quality Video and Audio: Ensures clear and reliable communication.
  • Screen Sharing: Allows participants to share their screens, making it easier to present information, demonstrate software, or review documents together.
  • Recording: Sessions can be recorded for later review, ensuring that important information is captured and accessible.
  • Chat: Participants can use the chat feature to ask questions, share links, and communicate without interrupting the speaker.
  • Security: Offers robust security features, including encrypted video calls and secure access controls, ensuring privacy and safety for all participants.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other Google Workspace tools, such as Google Calendar and Google Classroom, streamlining the scheduling and management of meetings.
  • Accessibility: Includes features like live captions, ensuring that meetings are accessible to all participants, including those with hearing impairments.

Impact on Educational Outcomes:

  • Continuity of Learning: Ensures that education can continue uninterrupted during emergencies, such as natural disasters or pandemics.
  • Inclusive Education: Makes it easier to include students who are unable to attend school physically due to illness, disability, or other reasons.
  • Global Collaboration: Allows schools to connect with other institutions around the world, promoting cultural exchange and global learning opportunities.
  • Efficiency: Saves time and resources by reducing the need for travel and physical meeting spaces, allowing schools to allocate resources more effectively.


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