• How to Add Classes

    28.02.2024 12:26 PM
    1. Login As Admin 2. Click on Academic & Then Class ...

    05.03.2024 7:45 AM
    1. Login As An Admin  2. Click On the TEACHER menu ...
  • 1. Login As Admin  2. Locate the Administrator Menu and Click on Reset Password  ...
  • 1. Sign in to your account as a teacher. 2. Navigate to the Academic Menu. 3. Select Routine from the options. 4. Choose Add TimeTable from the Routine Dashboard. 5. Co...
  •  1. Sign in to your account as a teacher. 2. Navigate to the Academic Menu. 3. Select Syllabus from the options. 4. Choose Add Syllabus from the Syllabus Dashboard. 5. Complete the required forms with the relevant ...
  • 1. Sign in to your account as a teacher. 2. Navigate to the Exam Menu. 3. Select Exam Schedule from the options. 4. Choose Add Exam Schedule from the Routine menu. 5. Complete the requi...
  • How to add section

    05.03.2024 9:24 AM
    1. Login as admin 2. Click on Academic Then Click on Section ...
  • How To Add Subject

    05.03.2024 9:25 AM
    1. Login as an Admin or as a Teacher 2. Click on Academic  ...
  • 1. Login As Teacher  STAGE 1- EXAM COMMENT SETUP 2. On the Academic Menu Click on Exam Comment Setup ...
  • Login as Admin or Accountant  Go to Account and click on Global Payment   ...
  • Login As Admin or Accountant 1. Set up Fee Types  Locate the Account Menu  Click on Fee Types  ...
  • 1. Login As Admin 2. Click on the User type you would like to restrict (Parent, Student, Teachers and Users)  ...
  •  1. Sign in to your account as a teacher. 2. Navigate to the Exam Menu. 3. Select Exam Attendance from the options. 4. Choose Add Exam Attendance from the Exam Attendance...
  •   1. Log in as an Admin. 2. Click on the Administrator Menu. 3. Under Administrator, select Academic Year. 4. Click on Add a New Academic Year. 5. Fill in t...
  • 1. Login As a  Student, Parent, Teacher, or Admin  2. Locate ...
  • 1. On Your School Login Page Click on Forgotten Password  ...
  • How to Reset Your Password

    05.03.2024 9:31 AM
    1. Login to Your Account    2. Click on your Profile Picture at the Top Right  ...
  • 1. Login As Admin  2. Click on Academic Menu and Then Class  ...
  • 1. Login As Admin  2. Click On Exam Menu and then Click on Grade 3. Click o...
  • 1. Login As Admin 2. Click on Mark Distribution ...
  • How to Add Mark

    05.03.2024 9:34 AM
    1. Login as a Teacher  2. On the Mark Menue Click on Mark ...
  • How To Add Students

    05.03.2024 9:35 AM
    1. Login As Admin  2. Click on the Students Menu 3. Cli...
  • How to Add Parents

    05.03.2024 9:35 AM
    1. Login as Admin  2. Click on The Parents Menu  &...
  • Login To Your Account (Admin, Teacher, Parent, Student) On the TopBar Menu Click on the icon that is like the Calendar ...
  • How To Setup Exam/Terms

    26.04.2024 10:08 AM
    1. Login As An Admin  2. Click on Exam >>Exam >> Add Exam  3. Fill In the forms  Exam Name:  The Exam or Term Eg. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Term. NOTE: You are expected to add the academic year in ( )...
  • 1. Login As A Teacher 2. Click on  Attendance >> Students Attendance >> Add Student Attendance 4. Select the form data Exam: This is where you will select the Exam or Term You want to ma...
  • 1. Login As Admin  2. Click on Teachers Attendance or User Attendance Note: Teachers Attendance: This is where you mark attendance for all your teachers  - User Attendance: This is where you mark att...
  • In the Attendance Report, There are 2 Types 1. Attendance Report: This is used to view reports for each attendance status for students eg. present, late present, absent, etc. Per day.  2. Attendance Report Overv...
  • 1. Login As Admin  2. Under Setting Menu Click on General Setting 3. Locate the Section that says "Default Academic Year"  4. Click on the drop-down and select the newest academic year you created  5. Scr...
  • How to Promote Students

    02.05.2024 4:29 PM
    Stage 1: Before beginning to promote new students, the system requires you to create the academic year in the system. To do th...
  • How to Preform Backup

    05.05.2024 7:12 AM
    Ensuring the safety and integrity of your data is crucial, and having a backup of your SmartSchool database is key. Regular backups protect against potential data loss from hardware failure, software issues, or human error. They also provide a way...